I am thankful for music.
this is a picture of her Hubby he mainly plays the bass but he also plays lead and a mean cymbal:) among other things. He is a VERY talented professional musician. The group he played w/ last night is called Seven Car Pile Up-- Do you think that's how they all met?:)

the lights in the parking lot made me think of getting my Christmas music out :) who am I kidding it is always out --but to play it more:)
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Nothing beats live music!
I played too :)
Great shots. I agree with Teena. recorded music is great but nothing beats a live concert. Happy weekend
Great post!! And LOL about the band name. My Hubs' band once considered calling themselves "Free Beer" (this was before Christ). Because then they would be SURE to fill the house at least once! LOL
Happy Photo Hunting! I hope you get a chance to visit my post today at New York Traveler.net. Happy trails!
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