I am proud to be an American and I love the Freedoms we enjoy here.
We have the freedom to say maybe I can make a difference.... maybe my voice can be heard...... maybe I can---be President of this country one day-- maybe I can be a schoolboard member ---or city council ----or pta ----or-just a really good neighbor... however large or small we are free to do these things, or not and to complain or praise those who do ---that is FREEDOM!!!! I will forever be grateful to my ancestors who came to this land in search of this type of freedom from Ireland, England, Germany, and wherever else, so we could flourish in this environment, and I will forever be indebted to those who gave their lives and fought for us to retain it. They are my heroes.

Isn't this a cute family She is my friend who does my hair and of course they have the funnest hair there.
I love decorating w/ Red White and Blue as We did this AM at the church breakfast It is so nice when lots of nice people pitch into help I love the expression "Many hands make light work" beause it is so true. we shared the bldg w/ another ward today and no one seemed happy about it at first but it all worked out I think chiefly because the 2 activity Chairman from the differenet Wards had such good attitudes and to steal a line from Remember the Titans 'attitude relect leadership ' and I agree--- they were so very nice and polite one w/ another that I think we all picked up on their good attitude after minimal murmuring and fun was had by most.

txmommy is such a good person I know she is much younger than I am but I want to be like her when I grow up and have an attitide as welcoming as Texas as her name proclaims

you are so sweet!
Thanks for ALL you help, you are awesome, and we couldn't have done it without you and R.
how fun! i LOVE ward breakfasts! they are always so good!!
happy 4th!
Hope you had a wonderful 4th. We just sat out in our backyard watching all the fireworks from our chaise lounges. Great view. I bet alot of people got tickets tonight.
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