Jennie tagged me w/Crazy 8's!!!
8 things I'm passionate about:
All My Family
MY Husband
The Gospel of Jesus Christ
Spreading Joy (serving others)
nature (appreciating it, being in it, preserving it)
Good literature
laughing and and making others laugh
8 things I want to do before I die:
See all my Children happily married and doing well
Go to Europe
Have fun spoiling future grandchildren
Be debt free
Be the best I can be all the time
Create a piece of nice art work
have time and energy to do all I want to:>
Publish some writings
8 things I say often:
Hi dear
No, but I wish I could
Be Safe
I love you dear
I love you son
ok, talk to you later
8 books I've recently read:
Can't Wait To Get To Heaven
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Princess Diana
The Next Thing On My list
The Secret Life of Bees
To Kill a Mockingbird
8 songs I could listen to over and over:
Because I have been Given Much I too Must Give (Hymn)
Smiling Face-- James Taylor
Longer-- Dan Fogelberg
Return to Pooh Corner- Kenny Loggins
The Four Seasons -Vivaldi
Celebration - Kool and the Gang
I am a child of God - hymn
A child's prayer - hymn
8 things that attract me to my best friends:
They are real and honest
They are joyful
They listen
They laugh at my jokes
They love their families
They are Spiritual
They like learning
They forgive me
8 things Ive learned this past year:
I am maturing in some of my behaviors
I still have a long way to go
Blogging is a nice creative outlet
My family needs me
Living in the moment is more fun than planning for the next
I create most of the clutter in my home
Love has to be nurtured daily
The Lord knows what I need
8 people I think should do Crazy 8's
Too many to count
Three Blond Boys
Shauna 6 pack Journal
Play More, Laugh More, Live More
Our Life
Love my Cottage Garden
I'm Bloggin It
I have a good life
Well since I'm stuck and nothing else to write about...crazy 8's sounds like a good choice.
fun! thanks for doing this...
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