No nonsense girl tagged me to write about a dance story. Maybe one of you might remember a wordless Wednesday I did a while back w/ me dressed as a clown and the title question was ‘What were you wearing when you met your future husband?’ That is the basis of this story. While I was in college I was in charge of the activities for our church, we planned a Halloween Activity that included a dance. I was dressed as a clown but kept my own hair. (no red mop hair.) A girl has to look somewhat attractive:> I got people to make things for snacks , I made some banana bread, arranged games and a DJ--It was a fun night.
When I am in on the planning of an event, it is often hard for me to just be a part and enjoy it. I was standing back observing people dancing, and bobbing for apples w/ one of my roommates. In walks a very cute guy( VCG) my roommate agreed he was very good-looking as was the girl w/ him.—Dang!! I didn't see her she was one of those classic beauties, while the most I got was ‘cute’. After a little discussion we forced ourselves to quit gawking...
So you can imagine my surprise when this ‘very cute guy’ asked me to dance !!! I was dancing w/a (VCG), feeling so happy till I remembered I was dressed as a clown.
UUGGHH! But, instead of clamming up w/ embarrassment, like I normally would---Being costumed emboldened me! “In for a penny in for a Pound “ must have been my motto that night, because the first thing I said to him was “Where have you been all my life?” we survived that first dance and went out to the refreshment table. He ate some banana bread,” how is it I ask?” “ good,but kind of dry, ” was his reply. Thanks, 'I made it’ -- we laughed-- him from embarrassment, me from knowing it was true. That is the closest that man has ever come to insulting me he would never have said that had he known I made it. ( Oh by the way, the beautiful girl was his sister:>) Later, as we dated we took a dance class together, and he cooked dinner for me all the time. We have been dancing through life together ever since.
George and St George
1 day ago
that is one of the best stories ever! thanks so much for sharing it!
seriously... love it!
how romantic!
That's such a sweet story! I'm glad I tagged you!
You were a cute clown ! :)
Thanks a lot!!!!
Awww...what a sweet story. Thank you for sharing.
haha I liked that story. I was wondering where my husband got his dance moves, now I know. One of my first days with R was at a dance too... fun huh :)
That's awesome! I love that story. I have done theatre all my life and I do think that being costumed is enboldening. Thank Goodness, since now you have a great DH to show for it!
That's so sweet! I just popped over from Mimi's to read your Dance story. :)
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