Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Thursday Thirteen 'A Clean Well Lighted Place'

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)

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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

In HS I remember reading a short story 'A Clean Well Lighted Place' by Ernest Hemmingway it had a profound affect on me. It is not that the people are nice and kind or that it is a happy story because they are not and it is not happy. But the idea of the story is that people want and need a clean well lighted place to BE, to feel safe, to feel calm, just to be. I think of this often when people say, 'I
don't know why the kids all like to "hang out here?' and I reply, 'It's because you have a clean well lighted place.'
I love light and all the ways it affects us so this Thursday Thirteen is a salute to
the lights in my life :>

1.If you know my family you know we love the Friday night lights.

2.I am so grateful for electricity- I love candlelight but I need electric lights

3.Light helps guide us home- literally and figuratively.

4. Lights that celebrate life.

5.Nothing beats natural light- it is so pretty and helps us stay healthy.

6. Lights to worship as we please.

7.Lights that make YUMMY treats

8.Lights to Perform we all like 'Our name in Lights"

9.Lights that celebrate our nations freedom.

10.Lights that cook and entertain:>

11.Light for entertaining loved ones

12 Lights for Holidays- who doesn't like sitting in the dark w/just little twinkly lights:>

13.Lights to bring us home safely- to our own clean well lighted place.

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!


Anonymous said...

Marcia, this was just the best Thursday Thirteen post.

Anonymous said...

Great photos! I love the light that celebrate life.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed that story as well, especially the way Hemingway was able to compare physical traits, and sensations against the way the world is, the natural impact of things...the motion of Earth in comparison to the motion of people moving in their daily...way of moving, for lack of a better way to say it.

I love the photo of the lights in the tree, but I can't quite figure out what type of tree it is. Any idea?

Coco said...

Oooh... I love this TT! I could just read it over and over again. Great job!

Happy TT :)

Anonymous said...

A very 'enlightening' post. Well done. Happy T13!

MeL said...

I love your entry for TT here! :) Happy TT!

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

I love this T13 and the light sequence of photos - inspired words and images.Thanks for sharing I loved droping by.

Light is the theme of Thursday Challenge this week by the way.

Heather said...

Very interesting TT, I like your idea :) My fav picture was the natural light, but I like the marshmallow one too!

Anonymous said...

I love that after yesterday's more than Cowtown reference, you put up a pic at Billy Bob's! Funny. And, very pretty series of pictures.

Britni said...

haha so one day maybe I'll be able to compete with your TT's... but definitely not today. I saw the most beautiful sunset yesterday and wanted to take a picture, it would have fit in well. Light really does just make you feel better.

Dreamer said...

great photos. I love your TT!


Anonymous said...

That was a beautiful TT, your pictures capture beautifully the point you were trying to convey.

Ann Aguirre said...

I like these, especially 12. The lights in the dark are very eye-catching.

Lana said...

I agree, this was the best thursday 13 yet. I love your lights and your thoughts and your light!

Anonymous said...

What a great TT. I love lights of all kinds too. Thanks for visiting.

Ingrid said...

I feel enlightened, lol !

Head Gaggler said...

Those are great pictures. Love the hibachi one!

Anonymous said...

Great TT!!

& yup, Weeds is one of my top shows that I watch without having TV.. LOL

Anonymous said...

Lovely -- truly lovely. Your site, all black, amongst the lights of the photos was spectacular.

Open Grove Claudia said...

Boy that's lovely! The photos are truly fabulous as well as the sentiment.

Happy TT.

Lana said...

are you home? I've been trying to call you for two days.

Anonymous said...

Very well said.

We often to appreciate our inherent love of light until we're left in the darkness.

Thanks for sharing this and for coming by my blog. :)


Lori said...

Love the pics...very cool. Happy TT and thanks for stopping by:)

Rebecca said...

As much sense as that makes I had never thought of it before - great TT! :P

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

What a lovely sentiment! Don't forget the glow of our monitors so we can talk to friends all over the world!

Happy TT! Thanks for visiting!

pussreboots said...

Very creative TT. Thanks for stopping by mine. :D

Darla said...

Oh, this is beautiful! I love all the different takes on light.

Carrie Lofty said...

I love this post! Holiday lights turn me into a little kid. I oooh and ahhh along with my little ones without an ounce of pretense. Thx for stopping by Unusual Historicals. Hope you come see my blog too.

SandyCarlson said...

This is a beautiful and thoughtful post! Without the pictures, it would be beautiful as a poem. With them, it's just plain perfect!

Janet said...

LOVE that blue light in the beginning!

Cynthia said...

That was a really well done TT! Good job!

TopChamp said...

Beautiful sentiments - I think this TT is lovely.

Hope you have had a lovely day.

Sassyfrazz said...

This was great! Good captions, and good thoughts! Thanks for stopping by~ great TT! :)

Anonymous said...

That was a great post! It was creative and enlightening in a unique way.

Kari (GrannySkywalker) said...

I can never remember to plan for Thursday Thirteens! I seem to have a mental block to it. lol But I always enjoy looking at yours. The lights were pretty and the "reasons" for the lights even more so.

Unknown said...

What a great list! I'm very grateful for electricity, too! Happy TT :)

JO said...


Mimi Lenox said...

Love the marshmallow lights and the Christmas lights especially. Beautiful beautiful sunset at the end. Thanks for sharing.
Warm glow here.

Andi said...

I will have to think about the lights in my life. :-)

This little light of mine...I'm gonna let it shine.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for those pictures.

Cecily R said...

Beautiful! As my daughter would say, "Oooooo, pretty!" Great TT!

Robin said...

That was really lovely, and rings very true.

Sherry Lewis said...

Very nice list! It made me stop and thing for a moment about each one. Happy TT!

Gellianne said...

Nice pictures about lights.Thank you also for visiting and leaving a comment on my post.

MetaMommy said...

What a clever theme. A nice way to detail yourself and your family by detailing such a basic need.

maryt/theteach said...

What great pix illustrating lights...Hemingway's short story is a wonderful one!

Love your pic...attractive!