Saturday morning I had ripe bananas so I HAD to make banana bread this new recipe was so awesome

Easy Banana Bread
1/2 cup butter
1 cup sugar
1 cup mashed bananas
1/4 cup milk
1 tblsp lemon juice
2 cups flour
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
sprinkle nuts on top before baking
Mix all ingreds bake @350 for about an hour I had little pans so it was just 1/2 an hour
we also attended the ground breaking for a new Church building in our area - I have never been to one and had no idea what to expect ,The Architect spoke, the Stake Presidents spoke, and we sang a hymn, that was my favorite part. Singing outside is something I forgot I enjoyed so much. I remember I worked at a family camp in the Unitah mountains one summer in college and we had church services outside each week and I so loved that.

Church was so nice I love our Savior Jesus Christ and I am so grateful for the way provided for us to return to live w/ our Father in Heaven.
We had a late Easter dinner.

My cute MIL used to make this bunny every year I enjoyed doing it, and thought of her as I made it.

We waited for S to get off work and he brought a friend too She was very nice esp with B.

Everyone indulges me hiding their baskets

R's basket is over 40 years old his sweet mom made these for each of us

B had fun making things creative and fun,

Looks like a great weekend for a wonderful family! God bless.
Sounds like a great Easter weekend and I enjoyed your photographs. I also love to sing outside. Nature's acoustics can be the best. I especially love singing outside in the mountains.
We drove past the ground breaking as it was going on. We wanted to see where the new building was going to be!
Glad you had a good Easter.
Looks like you guys had a great Easter. S's friend is pretty cute :) Maybe she'll stick around long enough for us to meet her. Happy Easter!
Sounds like you had a great Easter. Btw I loooove banana bread!
The groundbreaking sounds like a wonderful experience. That banana bread looks so yummy. I have some ripe ones right now...so it might mean banana bread and/or muffins for breakfast! :) See where I can find that kind of time right now! Call me if you need something for Enrichment. Don't hesitate!
sounds like you had a great day!
love the m&ms! mmmmm
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