Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Wordless Wednesday I see, the moon


marcia@joyismygoal said...

Can you tell I got a new lens for my birthday?

Anonymous said...

cool shots!
happy WW

maiylah said...

wonderful macro and telephoto shots! :)
belated happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

I can predict you'll be having loads of fun with your birthday present!! :P

Lori said...

What cool pics. That side view of the eyeball is crazy. How in the world did you take that shot?? Happy WW and thanks for stopping by:)

SandyCarlson said...

Wow. What a shot. You amaze me.

threesidesofcrazy said...

Great optical illusion! Happy belated birthday - cool present! I haven't made a bundt in years!

marcia@joyismygoal said...

that is my son's eye-- we took w/ the telephoto lens -- ever since he was born -- the light shines through his eyes and the green turns golden.-- I used to love to hold him as an infant and watch the sun play on his eyes

Ingrid said...

What a beautiful eye picture ! so special !

evel dread said...

Oooo pretty! I could gaze at the moon for hours...and have :) Thanks for dropping by!

Anonymous said...

Eerily beautiful!

I love the moon, sigh!

Jared said...

Now THAT is a cool shot!

Natalie said...

Very neat!

Gabriel said...

This is one of the most original pictures I've seen for WW! Just great. I must copy it! :-)

Happy WW!

(My post...)

Rach said...

I love this picture!! You really amaze me with some of the pictures on your site.

Indrani said...

Loved this shot so unique.
Happy WW!

threesidesofcrazy said...

poor choice of words on my part - the optical illusion was that the eye looks like the moon with them next to each other like that.

Kristin said...

That is aweosme!!

chartao said...

great shot!!

upon seeing the first photo, i'm totally speechless, wordless!

Happy WW!

eastcoastlife said...

The first photo's awesome! I want to try that myself. :)

The Brave said...

Very clever shot - I love it.

Pinay said...

Cool pics!love the close up shot of ur eye :)
Big Doors
View from Fortress

happy WW!

Eds said...

wow so nice! this is the best photo i've seen so far!

happy ww!

hope to see u in mine:

Just Me... Eds
My Precious
mOmmy Life

Tink *~*~* said...

Thanks for visiting yesterday. I have the moon today, too! Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday.

Tink *~*~*

Susan Demeter said...

Two very cool shots! Happy WW and thanks so much for stopping by!

Juliana RW said...

COOL shots

Please check out mine Thanks

Irishcoda said...

Don't photography items make for great birthday gifts! Cool pictures!

Anonymous said...

cool!! :D
(Happy Belated Birthday.. must be fun! With the lens and all!!)

Happy WW too

Betty said...

Great pictures and thanks for visiting me and my WW.

Britni said...

Wow that's a little scary. Whose eye?

Anonymous said...

Those were neat shots.


Anonymous said...

Love that eye shot. It is very cool. :-)

catsynth said...

Great photos, very interesting.

Erin Faye said...

That is so awesome!! Happy WW!

Heather said...

Beautiful shots!

Anonymous said...

Trippy, fantastic shots! That new lens must be tons of fun.

Happy WW.

maryt/theteach said...

How unusual, marcia! A new lens so you can take macro shots? Fantastic!

maryt/theteach said...

Oh meant to say Happy Birthday! :D

Marsha said...

great shots... looks like the moon's color is reflected in the eye!

Have a terrific week and check out my WW post if you get a chance:

Just Some Thoughts

Sharon said...

Wow, that is such a cool, creative shot!

RW said...

Wow that is cool!!! Good WW to you :D

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos, Marcia :)

jams o donnell said...

Wow that is amazing I love the glow in his eye. Beautiful!