My back is lots better it still has twinges but as long as I keep moving and then lie down to rest I am good. I met some friends for lunch yesterday at the Nature Center, we went hiking first, it was so nice to be out in nature, and hiking is taking it easy from the workouts I have been doing.:)
I love the delicate color of spring green

I went to my Dr appt in the Aft and after waiting half dressed/ wrapped in a albeit pretty but entirely too small piece of paper for an hour and 15 minutes they said he got called out to deliver a baby so I decided I needed to reschedule and I get to do that again on Friday
Sorry about the wait. I need to get into the doctor sometime but after my last experience, it's just not happening any time soon.
The nature center is so pretty right now! Glad you are feeling better. Sorry about the doctor's experience. How frustrating!
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