Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Wordless Wednesday Effective Graffiti prevention

click to enlarge


Anonymous said...

Hi Marcia,
Hope it works...
Have a great week...

Bernie said...

Cute 'Graffeti'... Looks good!

Thanks for stopping by earlier as well...

Anonymous said...

i totally agree! i hope it stays that way! :) happy WW!

Cafe Munchkin
Mapped Memories

Anonymous said...

That's a perfect scene. This shot reminds me of a block in the city. The commissioned student (I think) to paint on it -with the help of a Paint Company and the city government.



Snap Catch said...

cool one for WW! mine's up too hope you can drop by.

eastcoastlife said...

This is such a great picture! In Singapore, terrace houses are usually one colour. I wish we could have more colourful ones.

SandyCarlson said...

That's a neat mural! Serendipitous of us, eh?!

Hootin Anni said...

Enlargement so enhances this!!!

Thanks for the visit and the wonderful comment...you made my day!

Erin Faye said...

Great idea! Happy WW!

Mama Grizzly said...

what a cool mural!

Ingrid said...

Sometimes graffitis can be very nice ! I am sure that wall would looks quite boring without the drawings !

Britni said...

This is the coolest graffiti I've ever seen!

Anonymous said...

Pretty and decent graffiti instead of the normal awful ones we see :P

catsynth said...

I'm fascinated by roads and graffiti. Thanks for sharing.

Happy WW.

Anonymous said...

wow! that pretty nice.... Happy WW! mine's up too hope you'll drop by.

Utah Mommy said...

Cute shot! i love that place, looks like a cartoon movie houses! Happy WW!
Big Moment Of My Life
Under The Table

Lilli & Nevada said...

Now that kind of graffiti i like, very nice

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

VERY clever indeed!

Barb said...

Quaint complex.

Gabriel said...

That's very well done. Unfortunately, in most places that doesn't stop them.

My hometown once had a plan in which school kids from all ages went around the city and painted all those walls; some were beautiful little pieces of art.

They probably lasted about 10 days...

Here is my post for today, and here is my "Where were you" game. Do you want to play?

Happy WW!

Cynthia said...
