Friday, May 30, 2008

Photo Hunt Me or part of me

I know some of you are going to think I am cheesy but..... I tried eyes (which I love)but I am so tired, my pretty painted toes, My calves (which show how hard I work out to try to be healthy) everything felt kind of ......voyeuristic and then---- You know me I started thinking about the actual word(s)of this weeks photohunt challenge' me or part of me'
.... well my sweet husband is such a part of me after 25 years I
decided I wanted to show our hands together -- we are linked in love and purpose--- Now, no one would mistake our hands for the the other one's because his skin is reddish showing a little of his hidden Apache and mine is more yellowish showing my heritage. I love that this photo shows his strength-- you would have to know us to know I am much more strong willed -- he is calm and stands by me as I rant and fly around at times. He quietly leads our family (and the same at work and church) with dignity, honor and love--my children can say they have probably never heard him raise his voice. I am so grateful he and I have rubbed off on each other over the years to become better individuals and ONE.

SO the best part of me includes him:)


Carver said...

Great post Marcia and I love the shot of your hands together.

Anonymous said...

awwwwwww SO sweet!!

Leslie: said...

I love this - it almost made me weep, knowing that I'll probably never have that. You are one lucky lady.

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Marcia, that picture is real sweet. A sense of love and belonging :)

jmb said...

I think this is a wonderful idea. People have such great ideas this week.

Anonymous said...

Nice and creative way of putting the entry.. Happy hunting..

Anonymous said...

Hi Marcia, it's Leslie in Australia of Kaleidsoscope.

You asked me about Portofino - I have stayed in Liguria three times and on the last trip there in 2006, went up to the castle up above Portofino.

We stay in Santa Margherita Ligure, just 20 minutes away, and go to have cappuccino and a stroll through glitzy Portofino. :)

Sarge Charlie said...

what a nice post, I say it should be site of the week. Of course I am a foolish old romantic.

Anonymous said...

Marcia, this is such a sweet post and I agree with Sarge :)

Have a great weekend!

Pretty Life Online said...

great shot for today's theme. thanks for dropping by.

Bengbeng said...

two hands together makes the shot interesting n more focus. great idea

Randi said...

What a wonderful and creative post!

Anonymous said...

That's a great shot! :)

LibertyBelle said...

That is SO romantic! How lucky you are to have each other! Just lovely.
How wonderful to see all the photo hunters!
Happy Weekend
ps - there is a lovely picture of you to the right!

Anonymous said...

I like the twist you put on this weeks theme. Great photo! Have a wonderful week.

Anonymous said...

such lovely words to accompany this sweet shot!

have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

I also chose to show a bit of a hand as you saw. Nice and lovely picture youre showing us!

jams o donnell said...

Great shot. It's such a delightful take on this week's theme. Have a happy weekend

Dragonstar said...

That's a lovely shot and a beautiful post. Perfect.

Unknown said...

Not cheesy, extremely romantic. Thank you for sharing and for visiting The Cafe this week.

YTSL said...

Great post and picture! BTW, notice that both of you wear wedding rings. Interesting as I've seen a lot of couples where the woman wears a wedding ring but the man doesn't...

 gmirage said...

I hope to see a photo of my hand and my husband's like ou the next years! Full of love! Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Nice photo. You're a fortunate lady.

My post is here:
Photo Hunters

Or visit my whole blog:
I Was Born2Cree8

Anonymous said...

Woofenderful photo.

See my picture of me:
Photo Hunters

And my dog blog is here:
Reba’s Run

Aiyah Nonya said...

That is a lovely picture.

Have a nive weekend.
And thanks for vistiing my blog.

mimi11460 said...

nice picture together.. have a nice weekends...

Hootin Anni said...

Awwwwwwwwwww, this is amazing! Love it.

Mine's posted. "I'll show you mine if you show me yours". [and it's not what you think! ::giggles::]

Juliana said... sweet :D

My post in here Thanks

Anonymous said...

sweet shot

Mine in here Thanks

June said...


Anonymous said...

Awww... what a beautiful picture! It shows so much love and strength. I agree with Sarge, you should be site of the week.

threesidesofcrazy said...

What a sweet tribute!

Barb said...

Marcia, this is an awesome post! I just love it! I hope you have many, many years of happiness together.

CRIZ LAI said...

This is so romantic. Great shot :)

Anonymous said...

Great post story and photo.

poor man's nicole richie said...

one of the sweetest posts I have ever read.
God Bless you more!
c",) Morning Sniffles

Unknown said...

how wonderful, I think it's a great post and photo!

DeLi said...

w-o-w! may you continually be best for each other!

Heather said...

Perfect choice.

Jasonblink said...

I'm looking forward to get married happily and that girl will be a part of me too. Your such a sweet couple! :-)

peppylady (Dora) said...

It nice to see a couple that made it for those many years.
My Uncle and Aunt were just married for 60 years.

My photo is up.

Lemonjude said...

This post is lovely! Thanks dropping by.

Melanie said...

What a beautiful and pefect choice for this post. Your words gave me goosebumps.

Our Happy Happenings

Anonymous said...

Oh thats sweet i like it...happy hunting!

Britni said...

When was this picture taken?

Anonymous said...

so lovely! Nothing else than find your love in life! Happy Hunting!

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...


JesieBlogJourney said...

Sweet, wonderful and loving shot showing your other half and a happy marriage.

Do visit mine when you have a chance.

Aisha said...

That is a great idea for the theme. :)

I have a good life said...

Awesome! Love it! :)

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Oh I LOVE the shot and the sentiment!

MaR said...

Lovely post and picture for the theme!! very beautiful...