These flowers were at the hotel
1.the first was exquisite

2.The second could be my favorite they are just perfect

3.The Temple where the wedding was is so lovely, this hawk was way up high and stayed for a long time
4.These flowers are cute aren't they? I think it is FUNNY that flowers can be exquisite--just right --or cute-- but all are beautiful in their own way

5.There were lizards were every where I think this one was trying to scare us away
6.then on the drive we saw this row of palms that we just do not see here in north TX
7. When we got to my sisters I was thrilled for her and her new home --this is the woods they paved a walk way through
8.This is their neighbor( I am sure he has owners too)
9.I could not get over the lush growth(daily rain and warm temps makes for beautiful foliage)
10.I went for a walk early in the AM and saw these along the way
I looked up and saw this
I am so glad I looked down in time to see this
I Then circled the lake and back
by the pool where the night before
I found this cutie... I was in love .. ok not really but he is sooooo cute
11.This was our view from the hotel the last day

When I walked that morning I saw this beautiful bird (crane?)they are not afraid of people they seem as prevalent as our crows

and the hibiscus that we cultivate so carefully here, seem to be everywhere there

12.But nothing beats the friendliness of the birds at Disney they walk up to you

look at you sweetly

And ask you to share w/ them--- so my son did :)

Oh you might go by my sweet DIL's blog to wish him a Happy birthday today (She wrote a sweet tribute to him) he just completed his first year of Law --School he works so hard

13.But I was most fascinated w/ the way the bushes so naturally grew to combine both Flora and fauna:)
Those are beautiful pictures. Thanks.
Wow you really do notice a lot of things when you're looking for them (and you always are) that most people don't notice. I really did like the lizards :)
The bird is an Egret, which is a type of Heron. No, the Ducks are not Egrets, the one you thought was a Crane is an Egret!
I 'did' Disney eleventy billion times in the 32 years I lived in central Florida. It's so pretty, but SO hot & sticky!
Never done Disney! It is on my Bucket List. Great photos. Very good post! Happy TT!
Beautiful pictures!
Did you kiss the "little cutie" to see if it turned into a handsome prince? It's Disney World. Magic always happens! :)
I can't be sure, but those pale purple flowers look the same as the ones I showed in yesterday's WW - just 6,000 miles away :).
Those really are some gorgeous photos. You sister lives in a beautiful area!
The flowers are amazing, indeed. I was out last weekend, discovering what's bloomed around us. Really gorgeous things.
cool pix! CHeck out my TT!
Beautiful pictures! I really enjoyed all of them!
Thanks for visiting my deity TT. As a witch I'm interested in all gods and goddesses, but Bast is special to me. She and Freya are cat goddesses among other things and I love cats. Pan is special to me too, I like his playfulness.
I particularly liked the picture of the hawk. I love taking pictures of flowers, don't you?
Beautiful pictures! You have a good eye. :)
You've got a gift! What wonderful pictures!
how fun! love it!
Love the "scary" lizard most. He's a brave little soul, isn't he? (Thanks for visiting my TT)
Beautiful pictures. I really like the one with duck. So cute! Sounds like you had a good time. Great TT. Thanks for visiting mine.
Great pictures, I think the first one is my absolute fave. Thanks for stopping by my silly TT. :)
#4 is my favorite of your photographs. Happy TT.
Love the lizard and the frog. OK and Goofy too, or is that Pluto? Thanks for visiting!
These flowers are amazing. You have let me glimpse the treasure trove that is Florida. The rich tropical life just amazes me. And the Disney images--just beautiful! Perfect for sweethearts.
What awesome pics...I love the little frog:) Happy TT and thanks for stopping by.
lovely photos! i can't believe you touched the frog - i would have been too scared - but it provides great sense of size.
I love the plumbago in the second photo. When I lived in Florida, I planted many, many plumbago plants. The blooms are so pretty! And I also had a red bottle brush plant like the one in the 12th picture. To be honest, I didn't love it! lol Or to be more accurate, I didn't appreciate it's beauty at the time. Now I do. Great pictures - all!
I love the pictures looking up at the trees. Amazing.
And since Disney World is my favorite place on earth I am only a little bit jealous that I haven't been there since September.
Our Happy Happenings
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