She makes me pretty!:)
She started at a brand new salon a couple of months ago, they are now building a website and she asked me to be her model .---me a model?? Bawhahaha
but since I neeeeeeeeeed her and need her happy---- I said yes (don't tell anyone but I was secretly thrilled) No, I didn't practice runway poses but I did say the word photo shoot in a few conversations this week. So at ten o'clock we started-- under hot bright- lights- hot hair dryer- hot flat iron and this 'cotton girl' was dressed in black polyester (looks good on camera) -- Did I mention I was a little hot? and we were still posing around 12:00 my hair has NEVER been so straight we had to keep talking and smiling and JK, poor thing had to keep straightening my hair for 2 hours then we had to wait and wait while he uploaded pictures and then I got to leave but she was still there when I left at 2:00 So if super models have this everyday plus probably twice as much light, heat, pressure and only an Altoid for breakfast. I do know why they don't smile --But I still do:)

I love her hair!! :P
Spunky and cool :)
wow, if you ask me that is A SUPER MODEL, if i have ever seeen one...spunky, cool, and sexy
You both look beautiful.... and I like both haircuts. Very cool. Stardom here you come.
So cool! Look at you!
Two beautiful ladies. You are the right choice of a model!
Hey, she's cute but so are you! Totally model material, m'dear. Gorgeous. Happy WW.
I need a link to her website now!!!
Two really nice shots Marcia, You both look great. As for supermodels who wants to be a head on a stick anyyway! Happy WW
great shots for WW! mine's up too hope you can drop by.
Sounds tiring. Your hair looks great!
You both look great even if it sounds like a lot of work.
Beautiful:) Happy WW.
You are so gorgeous! No wonder you get to be the model! :) She does a great job and is so talented! :)
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