Starting this week I teach an early morning Seminary class (New Testament) at 6:00am and so I cannot walk w/ my walking partner at 6 any more --
:( and I had only walked one day this week on my own it is because the couch keeps calling my name -- 'Marcia' "come take a nap", "you're tired", "you get up so early"hmmm I have to stop listening--- and get out there to walk my legs are firm, strong, I don't want to loose that-- but my will is sooo sleepy(yawn)
So, today I knew I had to do something to trick myself, or force me, to not listen to the couch and just walk (does anyone else play tricks on themselves ?? or is it just me? Cause who am I really kidding??? Well the plan was to stick my walking clothes and shoes in a bag, in the car, so I would not think about it in the AM. Then after teaching, walk home the 1 1/2 miles, then after seeing Z off to work, walk back the 1 1/2 mile to pick up my car,before my 9:00 appointment, Well I must be easily fooled, because it worked. I grabbed my camera to be my walking buddy but still tried to keep a good pace -- I was home in about 25 minutes because I encountered a few distractions like the pretty acorn above
The pre- sunrise flags

And these crazy sprinklers I did not know they oscillated till I was running past them LOL it was fun

When I looked back I got a little wet:)

I snapped a picture of this man in the park he amazes me -he is in his 70's and we have seen him daily for years 6 AM walking one day and running every other day- he always says something like "Hi Pretty ladies" but lately he has been asking where my tall friend is? -- my friend that only gets to walk w/ me occasionally now I guess he misses her:)

and this pretty little flower

My last un- named thing was a gas line sign in the park
I also saw this can you guess what it is ?

It took me a couple of minutes to figure it out my self and people stared at me taking the picture too.
Great set of photos
Fun to get to go on a walk with you. I have to trick myself too. I know what the pretty little flower is because I have yarrow that looks like that. I also have white and yellow yarrow but the small red/pinkish yarrow like that one is my favorite. It's so different from some of the other varieties (much smaller). I'm guessing the one we are supposed to figure out is a sprinkler? You got some beautiful shots.
Your skies are beautiful, Marcia. All peaceful.
Hi JIMG, congratulations on your newfound ambition. I would take New Testament but our offering is Baptist Heritage this fall.
Last spring Mrs. Jim and I audited Apologetics. I learned a lot but sure am glad I wasn't tested on it. I would have to have studied a bunch which I did not.
Happy Skywatching! Thank you for the visit and nice comment.
BTW, would Greg Cuellar be your teacher? I would love to study what you are taking. :-)
Finally, we went to Baton Rouge this weekend for the LSU game, Mrs. Jim is an LSU Tiger. We drove back with the evacuees.
nice post
Great selection of pics. Specially like the 4th one. The rays of sun with the sprinklers.. beautiful. :)
All of your pictures are very pretty nice...
Love the morning walk pictures! If it helps in the future, know that I'm out there, too. Today I biked (which is what I'll be doing for a long time due to an ankle injury) my daugther to school. I love your shots because they just remind me of my bike/walking paths.
That's dedication! Wonder if I could trick myself into exercising ... probably not.
Flags always give a great effect on Sky Watch.
"Marciiiaaa, Marciiiaaahh, it's week-end time, it 's recommended to stay in your comfortable couch. Your laptop is set on the coffee table, calling you, Marciiiaaa."
Have a bice Sunday.
Marcia, marvelous early morning shots! I don't get to see the sky that early anymore - I'm snoozing! :)
Your skies are beautiful! Great sky watch captures! I posted a Are You Ready For Some Football~Cowboys styel sky watch! I see a cowboy post below..I'm on my way!:)~I have been a huge cowboy fan since I was a girl(12)!
Happy sky~watching!
So what is it??
I need to start tricking myself, too, apparently. My husband and I walked 4 times this week, but I've slacked off the past 2 nights. I talk myself out of walking so easily!! Guess I'd better work on that.
Loved your pictures!!
What a beautiful walk!! Seminary teacher, huh? That takes dedication, you'll be awesome!
What a great way to get yourself to walk! How beautiful it was, too! ;)
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