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We are putting in new floors w/ the insurance money from the flood. we found both hardwood and laminate flooring that we like- the price difference is doable-- please give us your opinion on any and all of these questions you are able. we have to decide by Friday
1. Do you have laminate or hardwood floors?
2 .Do you have both?
3. Do you like your Laminate ?
4. Do you like your hardwood ?
5. How does it hold up?
6. Is it hard to care For.
7. What do you do if it scratches?
8. Is it loud or Quiet? which is quieter?
9. What do you recommend?
10. Is all about looks or is there some benefit for walking on one or the other?
11. Does anyone have Dark Furniture and Dark floors? Is it too dark?
12. Does engineered Hardwood look as nice as solid Hardwood?
13. Does it matter to the air or environment? Loews is really working w/ us nicely
I dont have them myself but would love to hear the input. Happy TT:)
Those are good questions. I'm going to be doing the wood thing when I re-do the kitchen and dining room.
The Pink Flamingo
We had laminate in our old house and I loved them! They were so easy to clean and are very pet and kid proof. They don't get scratched up or require buffing and waxing. I would highly recommend them to anyone!
Happy TT!
Sorry....wood floors is not my preference at all. I love tile and/or carpeting.
My 13 is posted...it's all Olde English today. Stop by, won't you?
Well, you've certainly got that subject covered :-)
You know I have both and I love them both. The care and upkeep are pretty much the same and I really haven't found a difference in feel on my feet or legs. If you are going dark, your light walls will help,but you will need to add light or bright accessories (area rugs, pillows and throws)As for noise, I have a basement that helps muffle. Don't worry about scratches...there are all sorts of products (at Loews) to remedy those.
I've had both and I prefer wood. It is easier to repair and touch up.
Hi there! Just wanted to let you know I am back to the blogging world! I missed you and all my other bloggy friends! :)
And YAY for hardwood floors, I LOVE LOVE LOVE them so much better than carpet. So sorry you had a flood, though!
I LOVE the look and feel of hard wood floors in the homes I visit that have them. I do not have them... laminate either. I don't know much about the care / wear of either. Sorry! I hope you are having a wonderful week! Sorry about your flood. Hope everything is back to normal soon!
I dream of doing this in my place, too! Looks like laminate might be the better choice, but I haven't committed yet. (Thanks for visiting my TT)
#1 = Hardwood (no laminate)
#4 = Yes (we put it throughout our recent addition - except not in the kitchen - used tile in there)
#5 = Great (but we don't have kids or dogs)
#6 = Nope - super easy
#7 = Polish or buff would do the trick
#8 = Quiet
#9 = Don't install yourself
#10 - Looks fit our old home, wood is pretty easy on the feet
#11 - Can mix and match with wood - in some places we have white oak floors with dark brown mahogany colors and in others we have cherry floors with cherry furniture (I prefer darker floors myself)
#12 - Prefer solid
#13 - So many choices now to be environmentally conscious
Good luck with your floors! Doesn't sound like you'll have anything left over but if so, our T13 has some donation suggestions...
We have real hardwood in the foyer and I would like to replace it with either laminate or bamboo. It scratches very easily and is hard to keep looking nice and shiny. I have laminate in a small bath and don't hae a bit of trouble with it but it does obviously get less traffic than the foyer.
Dark floor and dark cabinets are a bad idea in the kitchen (I'm a kitchen & bath designer) but I'd say the furniture depends on how much you're talking about. Dark coffee and endtables with a lighter or medium color sofa would be fine I'd think. Also, you can always lighten things up with an area rug.
I have a wood floor. You get nicks and scratces, the wood changes all year from humidity and you will have spaces inbetween them sometimes. They are slippery.
I dont have them myself but would love to hear the input.
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