We had a small group but 7 was just right

lots of yummies--Raisen




peanut Butter bars - and yummy fudge (not Pictured)

Peanut Blossoms

Choco peppermint

and to cut the sweets

I had them play a silly game of teams blind folded while the other talks them through making a Gingerbread house

The teams had totally different approaches

one had precision the other tried speeding up

Got very messy and made us laugh so hard at least myself and my daughter did

They both finished about the same time w/ very similar, pretty good, blindly built, yummy houses

The night was so fun
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The blindfolded construction work looks like a real hoot!!!
And turtles? My favorite!!!
Come by and visit with me today and check out my thirteen if you have a little time. Happy Thursday.
Oh my! Did that make me feel hungry.
yummy! yummy! yummy!
TT#14: Christmas Trivia
Are those sausages? Sweet?
I remember on Halloween being blindfolded and feeling food that we were told was body parts. (grapes=eyeballs).
That's my first time seeing a turtle like that.
Hah! That game looks like a lot of fun. Looks like everyone had a great time.
Merry Christmas from She Lives!
how fun! I wish I could have been there :(
making gingerbread houses blindfolded, that's an interesting idea!
happy tt :)
I love the idea of a blindfolded gingerbread house constuction. The choco peppermint cookies look yummy, too
It was very fun. Thanks for inviting me!
I totally want those recipes..What a fun idea, with the g. houses.
I wished you lived closer..I know we would be friends.
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