visit more MY WORLD and RUBY TUESDAY
When in Weatherford a few weeks ago I couldn't help but stop in this Antique shop--I don't need anymore antiques but....
you can always do.....
at least window Shopping!! these are the things that caught my eye
I don't know about this being an antique but it looked fun
I always like those tiny drawers
This one had 2 draws I love unique chairs and anything red:)
Always love the wagon wheels too
What do you hunt for?
What a fun trip and what great photos! I love to do the same thing -- even when I'm not looking for anything in particular! And I've been to Weatherford many times -- being an old Texas gal.
Have a great week!
I would have been confused seeing all stuffs.
Lovely shots!
Very nice pictures.
like the chair and wagon wheels...i have a longlist of things i look for and so i really never purchase anything but, i do love to look :)
Great report. Beautiful your shots.
That looks like a fun place to browse. Great shots from your stop.
And did you bought everything? Hmmm... am envious with the chair and the tiny drawers.
I must confess that I too love to go visit antique stores just to browse. I'm always tempted to take something home with me every time.
The red chair is unique. If I go antique shopping I would go for fashion jewelry.
Antique shops are fascinating aren't they?! They are great for window shoppers. Thanks for your visit! Have a nice week.
Marcia: Those were nice finds on your shopping trip.
I love that red chair... Happy RT to you!
Wonderful photos.. the red chair is just perfect for RT!
My Ruby Tuesday
These are great. I want those wheels. They'd make for the kickingest go-cart!
I like browsing in antique shops too. One can always find something interesting there. I like blue bottle pic:) nice shot.
That third shot is just wonderful!
I love rummaging around in shops like this,whether it is a called an Antique shop or just a recycle barn.
I'm featuring a shop this week too.
Those are the best trips to take, you never know what is in store!
Well, if you don't need any more antiques, you can always photograph them. And you took some great ones.
Oh boy....this is definitely my forté!! Just perusing antique stores makes a delightful day.
For my Ruby Tuesday, I went and stuck my foot in it!!! Stop by to visit if you can...have a great day.
Hi, I came over from David's authorblog. I love the name of your blog. Great post! Congrats on the Post of the Day mention!
Loved this post! The photos are so good...congrats on POTD mention from David!
Very cool looks quite comfy!
What a delightful collection of discoveries! The red chair reminds me of my childhood. I've shared a bit of My World today at Sacred Ruminations and RUBY photos at Happily Retired Gal this week.
Hugs and blessings,
beautiful collection of interesting objects
pretty photos
I love this post and all the pretty things you are showing.
Love that red chair...
Very interesting photos for an Aussie to see, thanks for sharing. Happy Ruby Tuesday. :))
Liked shopping with you - we have the same taste! Anything red, a cubbyhole drawer, or interesting shape attracts me. I love the blue bottle (I have a couple old ones on my windowsill.)
You seem to have found a bit of this and that and more in addition.
Thank you for the comment an congrats with the mention at David's!
Indeed a pretty unique chair you've found to capture.
I like the last shot of the wagon wheels too! :)
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