Friday, January 01, 2010


Yesterday and today I was having post holiday blues. It was such a silly pity party-- feeling a bit lonely and missing the Christmases gone by.... ..... I knew I could not wallow in it... so I prayed, read some scriptures, chatted w/ a friend, and went for a an hour and a half walk.... -half by myself and when I felt my mood lift I called my patient hubby to join me.
I feel very uplifted and know that I need not ever feel that way. ... but... I am human and I am so grateful I have a patient husband, loving Heavenly Father who provides a communication system, wise words and a beautiful world to bring me joy:)


I have a good life said...

Loved the chat! :)

Britni said...

Don't be sad. It was a great Christmas, and there will be many to come :)