I am sending a BIG Happy Birthday wish to my wonderful DIL 'B' I hope you have a nice birthday I do wish I could be there to drop a cheesecake for you I sent 2 things but I don't think they got there yet :< She is such an amazing young lady I am so glad she and my son found each other. If any of you in bloggy land want go wish her a Happy Birthday she has a lovely perspective posted on her blog today on 22 things she has learned over the past year Birthday Blessings
What a few days it has been I am now out of the loop for a few reasons: the first reason is not earth Shattering-- but FUN!! There will be 8 of my 10 siblings in town this week for my mothers 75th birthday celebration--- so I have been trying to get my house in order and deep cleaning. When I can stick to this task I actually enjoy its??? Go figure??........this entails cleaning closets, drawers, hosing off baskets wreaths, touch up painting and moving clutter out Too big of a task for the time I allotted it--but I will have to be happy w/what I do get done.
I have some huge personal decisions to make that are weighing heavily on my mind.
My Hubby has had some health issues and today had some treatment that went very well but I am a worse case scenario person I have to know the worst that can happen so I can be prepared and not be knocked off my feet so....... I totally stressed over the fact that this treatment could disable him or worse-- and then it went well... I am so pleased but exhausted I wish I was not this way Why do I do this..??
A friend who had cancer 4-5 years ago underwent surgery today for a major reocurance and that is so tough for her and brings back all the feelings of the loved ones in my life who have had cancer and especially the dear one who died w/ the reocurance ...
My sisters grandson T is 6 years old and was screaming w/ a headache at school yesterday and was rushed in an ambulance to the ER w/ a golfball sized Brain bleed they do not know much of why or a prognosis but just a few minutes ago we got an update of a little progress so we are hopeful when talking to his *8yr old Brother about it My sister told him he will be ok and if he is not ok he still will be OK and asked why is that? and he replied because because we go to church:> very sweet-- We continue to pray for his full recovery.
I hope you don't feel you need to do all the cleaning on my account (after all, J is not coming w/ me). A very kind person once told me "We come to see you, not your house". J has threatened to clean while I am gone and "throw out all this clutter".
ur dil is beautiful!
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