9/15/07 Theme: plastic
This is a recycle boy we made for a presentation I did to 100 fiirst and 100 third graders about how thy can make a difference in this world at their age by recycling what they use and using recycled products. I was very impressed w/ all they knew and their conviction to work hard to be 'Earth Savers'

My three boys played Football 6th grade through 12th So we attend lots of games . As a Mom I worry for their safety but have learned to support them in what they love and pray hard. One of them had a pretty bad concussion but recovered quickly. I actually love Football and watching them play, but I do think a lot is expected out of this piece of plastic.

I like the recycle boy! Impressive you could make him from all that!
Lovet he recycle boy....but both are great for this theme. :)
This is the most interesting piece of 'plastic' I've seen throughout this week's photo hunt. Thanks for sharing. Have a fun day!
Fantastic photo, and a great idea as well!
What a cute idea! Thanks for stopping by this weekend!
Love the recycled person. What a GREAT idea...might even try it for our scarecrow this year! Thanks for posting this!
Good use of theme and a good message, too! Thanks for sharing.
That's a cool little dude you made there.
Football- I really like football. Homecoming for my sons school is next week. I hope we win!!!!
I like your recycle boy. I to place alot of faith in that plastic helmet.
Good Choices!
Wow! The recycle boy is awesome! I like football too, but I have no football players. My daughter has been a cheerleader up until this year... no she is in colorguard. Great photo choices. Have a good day. Thanks for stopping by.
lolz so cute recycled one...very wise boys!...mine's up too, hop in..:-)
and here also WeekEnd SnapShot
Great choices and I love the recycle boy. Great for the plastic theme.
Love recycle boy!!! best plastic photo hunter picture I have seen-it made me chuckle
Great choice for this weeks theme. The recycle boy is funny :) and it's true how much we expect from a plastic especially in football. Here's my plastic
What an awesome recycle person!!
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