Tuesday I got up late 5:50 to take My Mom to the hospital for a 6:00 appointment we spent 3 hours there and another 1 1/2 at the Pharmacy. We had breakfast that gave me indigestion-
We started the drive home lulled by the early hour we got up and overly greasy breakfast--- I was unknowingly speeding on the access rd to the freeway and was stopped by the nicest policeman --but why wouldn't he be nice I was right in front of his police station:> he truley was so well mannered I had to stop my self from thanking him for giveing me the very expensive speeding ticket. Which--- apparently I deserved because when he so kindly asked if there was some reason I was going 53 in a 35 I just couldn't think quick enough to tell him about the breakfast, the early wake up call, or even of the time wasted waiting and waiting this morning, because I am sure he would have said Oh I totally understand and just slow down M'am.
Well -- I drove very safely to my mom's 1 1/2 hrs later I locked my keys in my car for about the 12th time in the last year!!! I had to call my hubby to come rescue me and he had a meeting he had to present at just minutes after he left me yikes!! I woke up cranky from a very short, very needed nap ---I had words w/ both of my older teens. Took my daughter to art class and as I was leaving someone kept honking a horn at me and a lady jumps out of her car and says " Did you know your tire is flat as a fritter?" In TX everything relates to fried food. So I turn around get out the spare the jack and proceed to jack it up but the lug nuts will not budge so I call Hubby again! (did I mention He has the patience of Job?)
As I was waiting on him. a sweet like 80 year old man offers to help I couldn't help but chuckle and thank him for his sweet offer as his tiny wife waves from the car I said hubby's on the way but thank you.,
After dear hubby finally got the tire off (It was really machine tight) he says I think I will take this now to see if it will hold air because we could not find any nails in it well-- it is a good thing he did for when he returned the back tire was flat TOOO!!! Two other folks stopped to ask if they could help while he was gone- and some friends from church too-- while we chatted w/them -- I was relating my 'Series of unfortunate events: the speeding ticket, locking the keys in the car, and not one but two flat tires....... I broke a nail now that was just not necessary--- I already knew I needed to slow down , be more aware and check my car safety but to break a nail too!!!:>
So it would have been a terible Awful, No good, Very , Bad day if I had not stopped at the FW Nature Center and decompressed,
I used to be there twice a week as a Docent and loved it!!!

I saw more animals than I ever had in one day, here are 13 of them.
This Family was there to greet me as I drove in.

The dad kept his eye on me the whole time.

They also had this long legged visitor at their front gate, she is so petty and really good at surfing the web.

I learned from this trip that when you come to the curves of life take them slowly and you might just get some 'dear'suprises right around the bend like i did.

This guy just posed for me

Can you see me? I can see you

I think I interupted his dinner

maybe I should make him a tuna sandwich

Do you know what this white stuff is? I used to think it was mold or fungus

But it actually cochenille and it is fascinating to see it change from white to red

A berry nice treat for the birds

The butterfly garden is lovely but the butterflies are fast

I love pictures of path's the possibilities are limitless

Now don't you feel better?
Oh what a day you had! The pictures are gorgeous though. Great TT.
Yes, I do feel better. :)
And those are gorgeous pictures!
That sounds like one of those days you wish you hadn't gotten out of bed! That's a wonderful place to decompress. We have a nature park near us that we go to frequently, and it has the same effect.
And I was complaining to you yesterday!!!!
Absolutely amazing photography!!! I really enjoyed your blog entry!! [the one where there is a 'hidden' lizard is stupendous!!]
Beautiful pictures! Sorry about the sucky day!!!
Nice TT!!!!
Oh my, what a day. We should have called each other to commiserate last night! :o)
Good for you for managing to turn a really rotten day around. Your pictures are lovely.
and i thought i had a bad day....you definately beat me. glad you got to go to the nature center, that is certainly a wonderful place to get away from it all.
Gorgeous photos!
The pic of the butterflies, is my favorite.
Happy TT!
Did that post or not? I loved the pix -- thank you!
Hope your mom is ok and glad your hubby could help with the tire. Happy TT!
Oh my, what a day! I love your pictures though - you got some great ones! The path one at the end is my favorite. :)
Joy, The Mark Of The Lion Series is set during the Roman Empire. It starts after the destruction of Jerusalem by the Roman Army and goes for a number of years after. It's a beautiful story of history, love, hate, war, forgiveness and redemption. It's a really amazing series.
Well Bless your Heart! What a day! And what a way to handle it...those pictures look so peaceful. I breathe more deeply just seeing them.
Those pics are beautiful and just the thing to help you calm down after the day you had. I hope tomorrow is better.
Thanks for visiting my TT!
What a day...all I can say is wow! You are truly an amazing person if, after a day like that, you can stop and "smell the roses." Beautiful pics!!!
I am new to your blog and I am here because Kari sent me. I posted on my bad today too and he suggested I head over here. After reading your post, you win. As I mentioned in my post, there is always someone who had a worse than you. =)
Hello, thanks for stopping by today. I enjoyed your visit. What wonderful opportunities to overcome the battles thrown at you. The respite is lovely. I am refreshed with you in it.
Nice Post.
I'd like a fritter- to go with those pictures. But hold the flat tires please.
Hope you don't break any more nails. That'd be enough to send me over the edge.
There are days you better stay in bed, lol ! I never see a buffalo family when I drive, not even a cow anymore since the farmer nearby decided to retire. In fact I only saw buffalos in the local zoo !
Wonderful photos! Thank you.
What a day!
I especially liked the pics of the spider, dragon fly, chameleon and the bird flying.
awh! sorry you had such a bad bad day.
Your pictures are beautiful. I love the baby buffalo! Maybe I need to get up there and spend a morning with H hiking around. It looks so relaxing in your photos :)
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