we had Valentines day, a couple of birthdays, I had two ear infections, bronchitis and a sinus infection -
my Mom was sick and we had very cold rain,--- I got hit and run side-swiped on Friday-- life was hectic to say the least.
A friend brought me some of the flowers from the funeral--

.The flower is pretty... life is not all better--but I have my...... family and loved ones intact ..

and this rainbow gave me the hope that rainbows always bring

that the sun will shine tomorrow and it did:>

Nothing harder than the loss of a young person. That is so hard.
I'm sorry you and your mother have been sick. I love the way you included the rainbow and how it brings hope. Take care, Carver
I'm sorry about the death. :(
Hope this week is less hectic for you.
Thats a pretty flower.
Wishing you peace and health, Marcia. God bless.
that was tough...losing someone so young!.... your WS is so cool!
Does sound like a hectic week for sure, and i am so sorry to hear about the death, never good any time but to be young in never good. Great set of photos to bring a bad week to hopefully a better one.
sorry to hear about your loss! What gorgeous photos!
Sorry for my late entry and comment!
I am sorry you had a bad week, but we did have a nice lunch. Next time we should go for a hike at the Nature Center!
I saw that same rainbow. It came at the perfect time. Baylee had a wreck right before the rainbow appeared. I told her it was her rainbow giving her hope. She was real shaken up because the airbags went off and her door jammed so she couldnt get out her side and she couldnt breath. She had to roll out the passenger side. Then yesterday Ben had a large rock fly out of the truck in front of him and when he swerved to avoid it he hit another car and they spun out. To say the least I am afraid we were fortunate only metal was bent and everyone walked away with just bruises and scrapes. And of course damaged cars!
I hope you have a nice relaxing day. It feels like spring out there this morning.
Marcia, no wondeer you're not feeling up to par today... with all that's happened. Yes, do rest and exercise and feel better! :)
Hope your week is better and you are feeling well. It's sad to see a young person go before his time is up. Take care.
Sorry about your loss and the yucky week overall. The photos were beautiful. Hope the next week is better.
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