I miss my siblings! I Do! There is nothing like doing some dumb thing and looking over at someone that looks a little like you doing the same dumb thing and laughing and laughing. I do not think their has been a year like this that I can ever remember in the 25-30 years I have been an adult:) When we have been together this much-- since they live in Ohio, New York, ---Florida, Tennessee,and Texas it is not so easy. I do not even know when it started but we saw many of them at my son's wedding 15 month's ago and then my sisters wedding 14 months ago then my nephew's wedding 13 month's ago then I saw some family over the spring and summer vacations then my mom's 75th b-day in Sept and my niece's wedding in the first of Dec some at Christmas.Then my dad was ill in January,and my Brothers' 50th in Feb/ March so it has been almost a month since I have seen some of them and I miss them so much this post is for them.

I love you all.
I like hanging with my sibs, too. It's too bad that we get so busy that we get caught up in our own worlds and forget how much fun we have together.
fun pictures!
I miss mine too, it stinks to live so far apart.
aww I really like your siblings. I miss mine a lot too. I can't stand the fact that I may only see Bry & Jami like once a year now. I'm used to seeing them every holiday. It gets tough as you get older.
Oh, y'all look wonderful and so happy!
Have a great week, Marcia :)
It is amazing how much you and your brother share the same wonderful expression. I have seen that look on your face so many times.
You are blessed with a loving family! Great pictures.
Oh, I sooo know exactly how you feel!!!
I miss my siblings too. Great post. I love the shots of you and your family and also the first one of the bird is great.
What a sweet post! I miss my sister to since she's moved to Kansas.
I have something for you at my blog.
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