Saturday, April 05, 2008

Photo Hunt Glass

These are some of my favorite glass photos not so much for the glass itself but for what it reflects:)


Corey~living and loving said...

Love the ones with the kids. darling.
happy weekend.

Rebecca Johnson said...

Thanks for the comment on my photo hunt. It was my first one to participate in and what fun it was! Your pictures are great too!

Teena in Toronto said...

The glass hearts are cute!

Mine's up too :)

Carver said...

Lovely shots for the glass theme. The children are adorable.

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

The sunrays reflected on the glass building is nice :)
I can't help admiring the smiles of the 3 kids more!! They're adorable.
Have a good week ahead!

Nita said...

Lovely photos. Thanks for dropping by at my blog.

Have a fabulous weekend!

sammawow said...

Nice shots and a great take on the theme!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! Yes, I have some Venetian glass candies too! they're a lot of fun to collect. I've had eight trips to Venice. :)

Betty said...

Nice pictures, especially of the kids. I love children.

Thank you for visiting me today and leaving a comment.

Ingrid said...

Very cute the kids with the glass hearts !

Anonymous said...

All lovely photos. Good looking children and what the glass reflects is beautiful. Thanks for visiting.

alisonwonderland said...

good choices! the kids are adorable!

thanks for stopping by! i love the name of your blog!

(and that's a lot of exclamation points!)

jams o donnell said...

Great take on the theme. I love the expression of the kids' faces! Have a great weekend

SandyCarlson said...

The kids are gorgeous.

I really like the soft light on the glass building. It reminds me of a spring sunrise--watery and pastel.

maryt/theteach said...

Adorable kids, Marcia! I'm sure they ARE the joy of your life! :D BTW those are windows on my PH post...

Anonymous said...

those kids' smiles can warm a heart.

great shots!