Saturday, April 19, 2008

Photo Hunt 'Thirteen'

I was at a mall searching for '13' inspiration while I shopped (multitasking)and it was such a pleasant surprise that there were 13 gum ball machines in this row I think they are bright, fresh colors great for photos So all together:

And separately just for my fun.

I found them fun to snap, to try different shots It would have been good w/ children's faces.


lv2scpbk said...

Wonderful colors and good 13 photo. This one was a real hard one for me.

maryt/theteach said...

Oh Marcia, a bevy of gum balls! The colors are so beautiful and varied! :D

Deb @ Sugarfused said...

My favorite photos so far this morning :)
What a great find for today's Photo Hunt!
Have a wonderful weekend :)

Harajuku PearL said...

I love this!!!!!...what can i say, i am a candy lover...I wish i can reach out into the screen and grab these candies...

Yum yum..

Pearl - happy hunting

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Yay! That's awesome!

Lori said...

YUMMMMM! Love the pictures.

Anonymous said...

Very well done! I'd love to visit this place with a pocket full of quarters. :p

Thanks for stopping by.

Happy Hunting!

Ingrid said...

Wow ! that's very colorful ! Very good idea !
You missed my Photohunting you only had to click on "Photohunting here" !

Anonymous said...

Love, love this! Great PH get and great photography too. Thanks for visiting Spatter.

JesieBlogJourney said...

Yes, and the contents are catchy and colorful which not only attract kids but adults as well. I counted 13 machines too.

Thanks for visiting mine.

Anonymous said...

Excellent series! Good eye!

Anonymous said...

Ha! this gives new meaning to "eye candy" Well done. The colors, the rows of 13, are all fabulous!! Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

Haha - that's so cool!

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

I love all these colorful shots of the gum balls!!! The first picture of the 13 gum ball machines look really cheerful :P

peppylady (Dora) said...

Thats a lot of bubbles, great picture.

Love My Cottage Garden said...

bright and beautiful, just like your spirit!

threesidesofcrazy said...

Great pictures! I can see them on the wall of a dentist's office.

Carver said...

I love your shots for thirteen. So vibrant and appealing. Hope you have a great weekend.

jmb said...

What a wonderful find. They are so colourful but why are there 13 in the same place? Weird. I suppose they are different.

Write From Karen said...

How fun!! We love the gumball machines and even though my boys are teenagers now, they STILL stop me to ask for a quarter when we pass them by.

Write From Karen

jams o donnell said...

Great shots and a wonderful take on the theme. Have a great weekend

Anonymous said...

Great choice for the week! Lucky you to find a group of 13 something. This week was a tough theme.

Karen Coutu said...

Wow! What a great find!! I love the colors too.

Anna said...

Wow!! Those are yummy thirteen. Great choice for this week theme, great shot and thanks for sharing. Happy Photo Hunt.
Mine is up
Every Beat Of My Heart
A Little Bit Of Everything

MommyTime said...

What a great idea for the photo hunt. I love the ones of them all in a row. Thanks for stopping by my garden pictures.

Anonymous said...

Great photos! Love them. Of course I'm craving candy right now...

Unknown said...

I love it. Now I'm hungry.

Teresa said...

The gumball emporium photos are so colorful and happy! Great choice.

Tokenhippygirl said...

Yum, gumballs. Makes me a bit hungry. Very nice collection of shots!

dmarks said...

How many jaws can those jawbreakers break?

I never saw the point of the rock-hard tasteless tiny banana candies.

Pedaling said...

what a creative mind- and great shots.
love your blog!

Lana said...

YUMM and what a fun idea!

~Mommyallehs~ said...

so colorful gums... looks yummy.

nice blog u have and very nice photos.

thanks for stopping by my blog and for the comment.