He is happy and indulging me / mom is ..... nostalgic. For 19 years I have made hot breakfasts 75% of the time and driven my 4 kids to Elementary - High School 95% of the time ---I am such a proponent of both that I loved doing both the cooking and Driving to have that extra time w/ them.
Poor Richie. He was used to hot breakfasts and now all he gets are cold smoothies, fruit, and granola bars. Maybe one day I'll wake up in time to make a hot breakfast.
He looks happy! What a good mom you are. Since we had to leave the house at 6am to get Bronson to A hour seminary (all 4 yrs!) I RARELY made breakfast at all.... *sigh*
Turn those percentages around and that's what you get at my house 75% cold cereal and 25% hot breakfasts and 95% bus driven and 5% mom-driven. ;o)
Z totally looks like your DH in that picture!
what a good time for him.. .and you! what a good mom you are!
Handsome young man! Congratulations...
Hes he looks like a kind, well-dispositioned gentleman! Marcia, you're a good mom!
Very handsome son. :D I hope he appreciates you a good percentage of the time. :D
Tomorrow is our last day of school - I'm an elementary cafeteria lady. I always get teary on the last day.
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