Not much happened this weekend-- Z got his Wisdom teeth out on Fri and did SOO well I only took this odd shot since I rode in the back seat to be kind and let him have the front for comfortable ride home after the surgery and forgot to take anymore and he is back at work today!
so for this weekend we have a few critters found around the house
Caught my favorite (Ohio) bird in my backyard the other night
B snapped this Gecko on my 14 foot ceiling in the entry way are any of you so lucky to have these inside your house?(how do you dust a 14 foot corner?)
This was in the hallway at my Mom's apt.(Come into my parlor?)
and out my window as I type
What I am most excited about for this weekend was that since I stayed home caring for Z I got this counter CLEAR WOOO HOOO
Doesn't it look nice?
Ugh it is such a catchall it is always covered w/ junk mail current projects etc.. I sorted, refiled, recycled, and responded to most of the "stuff" that clutters it up...
and put the essentials in this covered basket that holds the essentials ;ward phone list, current coupons, address book, current correspondence,I plan to review it each day.
This is like the 50th time in 20 years I have solved this problem once and for all!? :( How do you keep your catchalls clear? Once and for all?
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1 day ago
Glad the surgery went well, always nice to have time to clean up the house.
What a cool shot, and so thoughful to let him have the front seat =)
Our dining table is our catch-all, that I have cleared at least
a gazillion times. Just won't stay that way though, but oh well....
Glad you stopped by!
The wisdom tooth must have hurt. Mine did. The extraction was in fact a blessing. The pain was more bearable.
My aunt sorts the mail as soon as she gets it and puts the extra paper in a recycling bin right away.
When I lived in Hawaii, we had geckos climbing the walls and scaring me to death! I used to vacuum them up and kill them.
I got a lot of my clutter taken care of this weekend also.
I don't think I've ever seen that counter clean. Sounds like a productive weekend!
Glad to hear Z did so well. That can be a tough surgery. Bay had it done after Christmas this year. I love all your wildlife pix. And your counter is sparkling. Let me know if you figure out how to keep it that way. Paper is my big problem. How do we keep it at bay?
At my home, it seems that the catch-all is every plane surface. My husband and children cover every furniture with their stuffs. I think they hope I 'll order every things in their place!
Concerning the post-mail, I prefer to do as "em dy" reading and filling every sheet of paper, and throwing all mail advertising. If I let in a catch -all box, I forget. I forget INVOICES!
Concerning the teeth, nice picture!
Did they take out the 4?
Your red bird is incredible! For the others, I would prefer to see them outside! Specially the spider, cause when there's one somewhere, it is attracted by me, I become its prey!
Your counter looks nice and neat! I have areas that I let go. I usually just move the stuff to somewhere else. lol
Ugh. I need to clear off my counter, too.
Great sequence, Marcia! I love the shot of the wisdom-toofless patient in the back seat!
I never keep any space in my house clear. Your counter does look great and I can imagine the work you put into clearing it. Great sequence of shots.
you invite people to your house, that's how my catchall and the rest of my house (dusting,bathrooms,throw rugs,etc.) get cleaned.
That is one UGLY looking spider!
Yikes!! I would freak out if I saw a spider like that lurking in some corner of my house :D
Nice and fun odd shot!
Nice critters shots, too.
great job...
How do you dust a 14 foot ceiling? Well I'll tell you. You stare at the dust strands for about 6 months. Then one day, you get out the stepping stool, drag it over to the corner, climb up, realize you can't reach the dust from there, put the stool back and think on it some more. A month or so later, you get out your lightest weight ladder. Set it up under the dust, climb up, reach as high as you can, realize you still can't get to the dust, climb down, put the ladder away and procede to think some more. Several months later, when the dust has become noticable from every spot in the room, you get out your tallest ladder and your vacuum cleaner. You climb up the ladder, pulling the hose attachment along with you. You get about 3/4 of the way up, realize your hose attachment isn't long enough, climb back down, scream for your husband, instruct him to get a broom and climb up on the ladder himself to sweep the flippin' ceiling for you while you take to your bed for several hours to recover from the trauma of having dust settle on your ceiling in the first place. See? Simple.
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