Have you ever pulled weeds, mowed the grass,and trimmed bushes in the dark? We seem to often. Neighbors used to joke 'that can't be R mowing the grass - it is still daylight' :) Time often gets away from us, and my hubby used to get heat exhaustion fairly easily --- but today we were not worried about heat exhaustion -- it was visitors coming soon..... the first one an unwelcomed one.... Ike -- the hurricane, is supposed to bring us 5 inches of torrential rain tomorrow and Sunday we have guests for Z's Birthday and going away Oopen House. So we felt like we had to get it done tonight before the rain-- That's OK I work better w/ deadlines.
One of my Rose bushes was more than 12 feet tall

How did I let it get that WiLd?

my Russian Sage is wild too but I like that look, so I left it

After I cut it way back
I found these bloomers hiding under about a dozen 12 foot thorny legs

Then there is my favorite kind of wild from last Spring

I love the Irony that I find such peace in something referred to as WiLd:)
Great shots of the garden! My rose grows great long legs, too, and underneath I'll often find beautiful little roses. Hope you don't drown in all that rain! lol
Wild plants do at times beautify places :)
That's one wild jungle out there!
Great pictures for this week!
My garden is one wild jungle actually. Um, in a suburban street. :(
Great shots for the wild theme. Your roses sound like mine. Good luck with Ike. I hope you and yours are staying high and dry.
that russian sage is a riot but it has a strange appeal too.
I'm attracted to fallen logs a lot bcoz of the secrets and critters within which i love to explore.
Love your beautiful wild flowers. Good post!
That's the problem with rose bushes. They do look beautiful but the plant gets wild after a period of time. That's the reason I had a miniature rose plant with not thorns.. :P
That rose is wonderful :)
I hope everything is alright. I am reading CNN's report re Ike. Take care.
Great shots for the wild theme.
You have a wonderful garden!
I hope you and your family are OK.
Gardening in the dark? Do you have a big spotlight? Good photos Marcia, have a great weekend.
Great shots Your post made me think of an early REM song called gardening at night! Have a great weekend
The kind of Wild I really like - great shots.
Yep, roses will do that if you don't tame the wild. As I love rose, they're my favorite flower, I can't help but fall in love with your wild woods...that's gorgeous.
My wild is posted...the wildness of nature. Come see.
Happy Hunting.
Adore all these wild pics! I am a bit crazy but certainly not a wild kinda person! Yet I love Nature's wild world too! I agree! It is a very relaxing place!
Great wild photos!A wonderful slice of your world you have shared with us. Please take care of yourself with these storms. Up here in the Great Lakes the rain from Ike is supposed to arrive late Sunday/Monday.
My PhotoHunt contribution is up, too. Hope you will stop by .... if you're not up to your knees in water. Good luck!
My roses sure didn't get that big actual there pretty wimpy looking.
It looks like a nice place to take a stroll.
If you have the time mine is up and the coffee is on.
This is the kind of wild I like and I too find the wild quite peaceful. Have agreat weekend...
I like Russian Sage too. And to answer your question, Carrie K was a couple years older than me so I didn't know her that well, but we were friends. How is she doing?
nice shots and nice post!
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