When driving across the SW US I caught one blurry picture of this absolutely huge wind mill as we passed it. We were in New Mexico and i was disappointed to not get a good picture.
Then traveling home a more central route we saw these in Colorado
I was totally captivated w/ them they looked... cheery to me and I know that sounds silly but there it is :)
As I was trying to get a good individual shot
maybe something reminiscent of these
I kept getting shots of three
I could not help but be reminded of the three crosses that hung on Calvary. Then the power of these windmills dimmed in comparison of the power of the reminiscent visual.
Then these next two in Oklahoma were even more alike
I feel grateful to be able to see sights in my daily life that remind me of my Faith.
# 9 Look for what life teaches you each day
Losing a loved one...
1 day ago
I like the movement in the top photo. If I had extra money (lol) I would invest in wind energy. If its good for T Boone.....
Fantastic pics. Thanks for sharing
Your insights do inspire..
God is in the details of our life.
Your photography is all about the details.
Blurry, but makes it special :)
Happy Skywatching!! :)
actually i like the 1st pic the best!!
great shots of windmills.
beautiful photos. thanks for sharing your insights.
I enjoyed the first shot as well as the other ones. I like the juxtaposition of wind power with spiritual strength. All so beautiful, Marcia.
great skywatch & insight about life!
I really like the lighting and the atmosphere in the first picture. :)
Time for more alternative energy in this country. Great shots.
I love your train of thought. The parallel you establish. I wouldn't have thought of it at the first sight, but you're right, Marcia.
Wonderful pictures, you have found all examples that could be found about the subject!
Love your shots. The wjndmills facinate me to no end.
Nice series of shots. I hope I see more of these producing clean power.
These windmills are amazing. I saw a windfarm in Maine a few months ago. Wind power, wow!
Thank you for your visit to my skywatch.
We can see six from the back window and I have picture but it's full of telephone wires.
Nice photos!
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