Tuesday, November 25, 2008
A Thanksgiving Meme
While we are all busy preparing for the big feast and for family and friends to gather, a fun tag just might befun
It's almost Thanksgiving so we had better all tag a lot of people before the holiday comes and goes. I am tagging:
everyone who wants to, consider your selves Tagged!!!
1. Which do you like better: hosting Thanksgiving at your home, or going elsewhere?
I prefer to host Thanksgiving, though I stress my sIister.
2. Do you buy a fresh or frozen turkey? Organic? Free-range?
we most often get a frozen
3. Do you make stuffing or dressing? What kind?
Stuffing!! This year I am making cranberry orange besides my families traditional sage
4. Sweet potato pie or Pumpkin pie?
Pumpkin pie, apple , and my sisters pumpkin roll
5. Are leftovers a blessing or a curse?
it is not Thanksgiving unless there are leftovers for meals and sandwiches for aa few days
6. What side dishes are a must-have in your family? Potatoes, Sweet potatoes, Corn, homemade rolls, cranberry gel and Salad
7. What do you wish you had that might make Thanksgiving easier?
A bigger kitchen! and a double oven
8. If/when you go to someone else’s house for the holiday, do you usually bring a dish? desserts pumpkin and cranberry pink stuff
9. What do you wish one of your guests would bring to your house?
Happiness is enough, but if each brings their favorite Thanksgiving dish that is wonderful
10. What do you wish one of your guests would NOT bring to your house?
Family therapy
11. Do you stick with a particular menu from year to year, or do you mix it up?
all the traditional that make it a real Thanksgiving and occasionally a few -new dishes
12. Is Thanksgiving a religious or secular holiday in your home?
It is both
13. Share one Thanksgiving tradition.
The guys playing Football in the AM of some years -- watching the Macy's parade on TV as we cook
everyone sharing what they are Thankful for at the table perusing the ads for the big shopping the next day
14. Share one Thanksgiving memory.
15. Name five things you’re thankful for.
1.a loving heavenly Father
2. Our family;
3. Our health;
4. Our friends;
5.Internet to keep track of friends and Family
Join in the FUN!! I please feel free to participate anyway! Add a link to your replies in the comments below.
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20 hours ago
Your answers remind me a movie of Jody Foster (as director, not actress) Marcia : "Home for the Holidays". I love this movie, for the family atmosphere.
stress your slister??? I would ditto a lot of your answers, but we deep fry so it had to be dressing. Our biggest tradition...we actually eat in the dining room!!!
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