Denice Blissful Life of a SAHM and Military Wife tagged me for this college edition. :)
Ok so here are the rules!
1) Each player must post these rules first
.2) Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3) Tagged people post their eight things and these rules.
4) End your post by ‘tagging’ eight new people to play.
5) Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog for these instructions.
1.I went to Ricks College in Rexberg Idaho to get my associates degree I then continued on to Brigham Young University in Provo Utah.
2. I studied at first to be a PE teacher then after 2 concussions and numerous sprained ankles changed to a major in Recreation and then at BYU I majored in English safer:)
3. I had roomates from all over--Arizona, Pennsylvania, New Jersy, Wyoming I lived in the dorms for the entire time. We had so much fun staying up late, eating popcorn, borrowing clothes, fixing up buddy dates for each other --once on one of these date we rode his VW Bug on the campus sidewalks yikes!!!!
4. When I went on to BYU I lived in various Apts.and worked at a couple of differnt banks to put myself through school. so I worked F/T and went to school/P/T
5. I worked one summer at Aspen Grove Family Camp in the mountains-- that was an awesome fun, growing experience. I will treasure every experience from there, including dressing in a garbage bag costume, to be a dancing piece of fruit in the weekly performances.
6. I learned to Ski at college in fact my second date w/ my DH was to go skiing and we were snowed in on the mountain at Snowbird half the night w/ all our friends it was scarey and fun.
7. I learned to love Shakespeare and well--- how un- well read I was I have been working on that for years now.
8. I loved every minute of college: every struggle, money problem, essay, test, and friend. I was so grateful for those growing experiences and that I met my DH there. I was 24 when I got married
Ok here are the people I'm tagging....
My Favorite Winter Meals
1 day ago
That was great! Sounds like you had a lot of fun while in college!
Denise tagged me also, so I guess I should do this!:)
how fun! i am going to post mine tomorrow! thanks for tagging me!
Thanks for the tag. I've done this a couple of times and it was way fun. The most recent one is here.
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